Cover image_Prevention methods_Dry eye syndrome

How can I prevent dry eyes?

There are many behaviors in daily life that can potentially cause dry eye syndrome. We should try to avoid them and provide a comfortable living environment for our eyes. What methods can be used to prevent dry eye syndrome?

1. Avoid eye irritation
When using air conditioning or a fan, make sure the air outlet is positioned away from your eyes and avoid direct airflow towards the eyes.

2. Take regular breaks
Whether using electronic devices, working, or studying, remember the 20/20/20 rule for eye care. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your vision on something 20 feet (about 6 meters) away. This helps reduce prolonged near-distance activities and maintains eye health in the long run.


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3. Reduce contact lens wearing time
Since dry eye syndrome patients have less tear production, wearing contact lenses for an extended period may cause corneal abrasion and harm eye health. Try to minimize the wearing time of contact lenses and aim for less than 8 hours.


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4. Quit bad habits
It is not advisable to stay up late to allow the eyes to be fully rested. In addition, you should avoid smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke, which can irritate the eyes and therefore cause excessive evaporation of tears.


5. Eating habits
Supplement foods containing omega-3 or vitamin A in moderation, such as choosing omega-3-rich foods such as salmon and walnuts; In addition, carrots, spinach, etc. are rich in vitamin A.

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