Eye protection methods

Cover image_Myopia in children_Control aspects_Attention

Myopia control tips for children

What are the aspects of myopia control in children that need to be paid attention to? Smart eye protection tips you need to know

At present, children often use computers to take lessons, even if they do not have to attend class, they will still often look at mobile phones and tablets, and the machine will not leave their hands, so many children are prone to myopia from an early age. A survey has pointed out that more than half of children aged 4 to 12 with myopia have used e-learning during the pandemic, resulting in a deepening of myopia, which is likely to cause deep myopia and more serious eye diseases in the future. Therefore, as a parent, you should teach your children to protect their eyes as soon as possible, do a good job in controlling children's myopia, to avoid the deepening of myopia, the following nine tips to share with you, remember to pay attention to the following when using smart mobile phones, computers, surfing the Internet or reading:

Every 20 minutes, let the eyes rest for a while

Keep plenty of light when reading

Keep a minimum line of sight of 30 cm

Turn the screen light to comfort

Do not look in bed/in the car

Increase the time spent on your daily outdoor exercise

Go to bed early and get up early every day

Eat more foods rich in vitamin A
Carrots, for example

Get a comprehensive eye exam early and regularly

Myopia control tips for children Read More »

The five key「eye care methods」 for infants and the「causes of myopia」 (additional vision examination can be tried at home in Hong Kong)

The five key「eye care methods」 for infants and the「causes of myopia」 (additional vision examination can be tried at home in Hong Kong)

As a parent, of course we are concerned about the eye health of our children.

Five keys to「eye cere methods」

According to statistics, babies are born with hyperopia, approximately +2.50 diopters (D), and they can only see black and white images before the age of six months.

Therefore, it is advisable to provide high-contrast black and white patterns to stimulate the visual development of the baby.

Furthermore, gentle natural light is key to aiding the development of visual acuity in infants and young children.

It is recommended to keep the curtains open during the day to allow the baby to receive light stimulation. However, remember to avoid direct exposure of bright light into the baby's eyes.

Because the vision of children under one year old is still developing and their pupils do not contract quickly, bright light can be harmful to their eyes. Therefore, please make sure to turn off the flash when taking photos.

Parents can hold colorful patterns approximately 30 centimeters away from the child's eyes and move them gently after they are six months old.

This can help develop the coordination of the child's eye movements and train their focusing abilities.

Vision test can be tested at home in Hong Kong

If you suspect that your baby has poor eyesight, you may do some simple self-tests at home.

Firstly, it is common for a baby's gaze to follow the direction of light. Additionally, parents can use a clean cloth to cover one of the baby's eyes and observe if there are any abnormal activity or performance while the baby is awake.

If a baby looks at things with the eye that has poorer vision and experiences unusual blurriness compared to their usual condition, they may become anxious, restless, and cry incessantly. In such cases, it is advisable to seek further examination.

Causes of myopia

Additionally, any form of near-point work can induce myopia.

Prolonged near-point focusing work on the eyes increases the strain on the ciliary muscles and can lead to elongation of the eyeball.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued guidelines recommending that children under the age of two should not have any exposure to electronic devices. As for children aged 2 and above, it is advised that their screen time should be limited to no more than 2 hours, while also being adjusted according to their learning needs.

The five keys to eye care for babies and the causes of myopia (plus eye examination, which can be tried at home in Hong Kong). Read More »

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