Will myopia worsen without wearing glasses? How can one prevent myopia from worsening?

Will myopia worsen without wearing glasses? How can one prevent myopia from worsening?

Does myopia deepen without glasses?

There is a misconception that parents advise their children to delay the start of glasses to minimize the time they spend wearing glasses, or to wear glasses with a lighter prescription to avoid the progression of myopia.

Dr. Tong points out that the opposite is true, a pair of glasses of the right prescription can help easily identify things that are far away.

Conversely, using an inappropriate lens prescription can lead to amblyopia, which may worsen your myopia.

If you experience headaches or eye strain while using your glasses, it could mean that your glasses are too high or too low.

Of course, many people question: "I almost always wear glasses, but the prescription is really getting deeper?"

If this happens, it may be due to the continuous development and elongation of the child's eyeball, and the natural increase in degree.

In addition, if you have poor eye habits and stare at the screen for a long time, it will induce myopia.

Therefore, when using a mobile phone or tablet to read, remember to do it under sufficient light source, reduce the luminosity of electronic products, adjust the font size and line spacing to moderate to reduce eye fatigue;

How not to make myopia worse?

Dr. Tong recommends that you rest for 20 seconds every 20 minutes of reading, looking at something 20 feet away, so that the ciliary muscle can rest and relax.

There is no evidence that exercises such as massaging the area around the eyes can help delay the progression of myopia in children.

On the contrary, pressing too much on the muscles around the eyes will cause the intraocular pressure to rise.

In addition, people with high myopia are at risk of retinal detachment if they turn their eyes quickly.

Parents misunderstand that laser vision correction surgery reverses myopia.

In fact, increased myopia means longer eyes, which is no way to retract the eyeball back to the length when your child's vision is intact.

Laser vision correction changes the curvature of the cornea, allowing light to focus on the retina without the help of glasses or contact lenses.

The eyeball can still continue to grow.

So it's better for parents to let them participate in outdoor activities.

Studies in Australia have found that children who are outdoors for up to 14 hours a week can help promote dopamine secretion and slow down the formation of myopia.

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Does myopia get worse without glasses? How do I not make myopia worse? Read More »