
Cataract _ lens dysfunction syndrome

Cataract rejuvenation Lens dysfunction syndrome

Rejuvenation of cataracts Lens dysfunction syndrome: With the development of science and technology, urban people cannot do without mobile phones and computers every day, and they watch screen for a long time, not only their eyes are tired, but also very hurtful. At the same time, cataracts tend to be younger.

There was a middle-aged patient who found that myopia continued to increase, and there was double shadowing of things. Upon closer examination, Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome (DLS) was found.

Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome (DLS) is a ubiquitous condition that has long been overlooked. The disease usually occurs at a young age, and although cataracts are not yet mature, the characteristics of the syndrome appear because the patient describes cataract symptoms.

In layman's terms, DLS can be considered a precataract, where the lens begins to harden, loses its ability to focus and near vision, and decreases in contrast and night vision. Ophthalmologists use advanced diagnostics to show cataract density, the refraction of light through the lens, or slit lamp photographs to help us understand the characteristics of this aura state associated with a patient's vision loss.

Early cataract patients have inconspicuous symptoms, common include: easy tiredness of both eyes, photophobia, glare problems, double shadowing of things, and frequent changes in diopters. The conventional wisdom is that cataracts must be "cooked" before surgery, but the truth is that the opposite is true, overripe cataracts will only worsen the condition and make patients miss the best time for treatment. If your vision is affected by your daily life or work, surgery can be performed. With the advent of advanced diagnostic methods, advanced technologies, the choice of multifunctional intraocular lenses and laser cataract surgery, lens dysfunction syndrome is easier to identify and treat.

Cataract rejuvenation Lens dysfunction syndrome Read More »

Featured Image_Cataract Symptoms

Cataract should wait until it is ripe before it can be operated, and the causes and symptoms of cataract can be explained

Cataract cannot be judged by its appearance in the early stage, and can only be determined by ophthalmic slit lamp examination. In the initial stage, the crystal will gradually turn yellow from transparent, and even produce a dark brown color, which is commonly known as "ripening". The formation of cataract is caused by the mutation of the protein of the crystal, which causes the cloudiness to be irreversible, so it is currently impossible to recover the cataract by taking medicine or taking a potion.

Therefore, cataract surgery with intraocular lens replacement is the only effective treatment method in clinical practice.

Cataract symptoms.

The most common symptom of cataract is gradual blurring of vision, in general, the symptoms of early cataract are not obvious, and when the condition progressively worsens, patients will notice:

  • Blurred vision, blurred images: Blurred vision caused by cataracts can make it difficult for patients to see things in front of them, especially in dark environments, and the elderly may fall easily due to poor vision.
  • Glare: In sunlight or strong light, patients may feel glare or flashes of light, greatly affecting visual comfort in bright environments.
  • Double shadows: Cataracts can cause double vision, making objects appear to overlap or separate, in which case older people may lose their balance while walking, increasing the risk of falling.
  • Worsening myopia and thinking presbyopia is lessening: Patients with presbyopia may notice that they see more clearly when they see near objects and mistakenly think that the symptoms of presbyopia have decreased, which may actually be a change in vision caused by cataracts.

The initial symptoms of cataracts may not interfere with daily life, but over time, the cloudy part of the lens may spread, leading to more pronounced cataract symptoms and even blindness.

If you have cataract symptoms or notice any changes in your vision, make an appointment with our ophthalmologist immediately.

Cataract self-exam

Although a cataract self-exam is not a substitute for a professional eye exam, there are some simple observations and precautions that can help you detect the presence of underlying cataract symptoms. If you notice that you have a cataract aura, you should consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Here are some guidelines for cataract self-exams:

  1. Do you feel that things near and far are always blurry?
  2. Do you feel a sudden improvement in presbyopia?
  3. Are you afraid of light?
  4. Does it feel like things are ghosting, glare/halos?
  5. Do you feel like you're looking at things with yellowish/less vivid colors?
  6. Do you notice that your myopia is getting worse?

If you meet some of the above criteria, it may also be a precursor of cataract, please make an appointment with our ophthalmologist as soon as possible for professional examination and diagnosis, early detection and treatment of cataract can help maintain good vision and quality of life.

The most common cause of cataracts

The main cause of cataract is lens aging, which is a common eye disease in the elderly, but it can also be caused by other causes. Here are some other common causes of cataracts:


Cataracts are thought to be the main cause of vision problems in people with diabetes. This is because diabetics have high levels of sugar in their blood, and high blood sugar can cause the lenses to swell and cloud, eventually forming cataracts.


Trauma or trauma to the eye can also be a cause of cataracts. This can include eye surgery, accidents, or other injuries.


Inflammation of the tissues of the eye can lead to the development of cataracts. This can be due to an eye infection, eye disease, or other inflammatory disease.


Familial inheritance may also be one of the causes of cataracts. If someone in the family has cataracts, other members may be more susceptible to cataracts as well.

Long-term use of steroids

Long-term use of steroids or use of steroids in high doses can increase the risk of developing cataracts. This is because steroids may deteriorate the crystal, affecting the clarity and normal function of the crystal.

High myopia

People with high myopia (200~300 degrees) are a high-risk group for cataracts. This is because the structure of the eye in people with high myopia has changed, which may increase the burden on the lens, which in turn leads to accelerated aging of the lens, which ultimately promotes the formation of cataracts.

Understanding the causes of these cataracts can help to better prevent and detect the early symptoms of cataracts for the best treatment period. If you have symptoms or risk factors for cataracts, you should consult your ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Types of cataracts

Although the final treatment plan for cataract is minimally invasive, ophthalmologists will analyze and understand the causes and symptoms of cataract before surgery to determine which type of cataract the patient belongs to, so as to avoid missing the golden period of best treatment. Clinically, we broadly divide cataracts into 6 categories:

Core cataracts

Core cataracts are the most common type of cataract and usually occur in people around the age of 40, although people with high myopia may develop earlier. Core cataract is the lens that "matures" from the middle, and because this type of cataract develops slowly, most people will not have vision problems in the early stage, and even some people with presbyopia will feel that their presbyopia has improved. However, as cataracts mature, vision deteriorates rapidly, and the ability to distinguish colors is weakened due to the angle at which light enters.

Cortical cataracts

Cortical cataracts occur in the peripheral cortical layer, and this type of cataract is more common in people with diabetes. Cortical cataract is caused by the deterioration of the lens cortex, which causes the lens to be blurred and difficult to see. This type of cataract may be subtle at first, but it will gradually spread to the core and blurred vision will begin to occur.

Posterior cystic cataract

Posterior capsular cataract is formed by a number of small spots, mainly in the center of the posterior lens capsule, which is associated with posterior capsule aging or epithelial cell overgrowth. These small spots can block the light so that the light cannot reach the retina completely, causing the patient to see things in bright light to become blurry and not brightly colored, and at night to see problems such as glare and halos. These cataracts usually develop more quickly than other types of cataracts, especially in patients who take steroids for a long time or in large quantities.

Congenital cataracts

Congenital cataracts are cataracts that are present at birth. This can be due to genetic factors, maternal infection, or other problems with fetal development.

Secondary cataracts

Secondary cataracts are caused by other eye problems or systemic diseases. For example, diabetes, eye inflammation or the use of certain medications that contain steroids can cause secondary cataracts.

Traumatic cataracts

Traumatic cataracts are caused by trauma to the eyeball, including eye injuries, complications after surgery, or other accidents. These traumas can cause the lens to become cloudy, which in turn can affect vision.

If you feel abnormal vision or have symptoms of cataract, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible to identify the cause of the disease so as not to delay diagnosis and treatment.

Overfamiliarity to do cataract surgery sequelae

In the era before ultrasound lens emulsification, cataract surgery had a large wound, long suture time and recovery period, so the surgery was performed only when the lens was ripe and hard. At present, due to the popularity of "ultrasound lens emulsification", the success rate of cataract surgery is very high, the wound is small, and the recovery is fast.

In addition, once the cataract is too mature, it may also be complicated by glaucoma, iriditis, and severe blindness, which also increases the difficulty of surgery. Therefore, the best time for surgery is to replace the lens whenever the cataract symptoms are obvious or the vision is affecting daily life. But if the surgery is delayed until now, it will be too late.

Learn more about how to take care of cataract surgery

Cataract should wait until it is ripe before it can be operated, and the causes and symptoms of cataract can be explained Read More »

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