Cover image_Cataract_Vision_Mold_Beware of complications

Vision becomes blurred after cataract surgery, and 4 possible complications are being sedated.


Flash light after cataract surgery can be a sign of retinal detachment

The retina is located behind your eyes and senses light and sends information to the brain.

After surgery, you have a higher chance of pulling it away from the back of your eye – a problem known as retinal detachment.

This is an emergency and may cause vision loss.

See an ophthalmologist immediately if you: 

  • It feels like a curtain has fallen on your eyes 
  • There are new floating points in the line of sight
  • Flash is often seen

Cataract recurrence? How to treat posterior capsular opacity

Recurrent cataract refers to the "posterior capsule" that is deliberately retained during cataract surgery to place the intraocular lens, and then thickens and becomes cloudy over a period of time. Although the condition is common, you may be more susceptible to recurrent cataracts for some reasons.

The younger the age of cataract surgery, the greater the likelihood of this thickening.

Fortunately, posterior capsular opacity does not need to enter the operating room for surgery, as long as the opacity of the posterior capsule is opened with a laser in the outpatient clinic, vision can be restored.

Cataract macular edema

Sometimes after surgery, blood vessels in the retina leak. When fluid accumulates in your eyes, it can blur your vision.

The first option is to be treated with eye drops, which can take weeks or months to recover.

In more severe cases, patients may need steroid injections behind the eye or surgery.

Eye infections.

Bacteria that enter your eye during surgery can cause infection.

You may be sensitive to light, or have pain, redness, and vision problems Infections after cataract surgery are rare and can usually be treated with antibiotics.

In some severe cases, doctors may remove a glassy clear gel from the center of the eye to stop the infection from spreading.

Learn more: Cataract post-operative care

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